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Can the Real Project Manager Please Stand Up?

One very serious problem plaguing the project management industry is the lack of effective” Web Hosting Project Managers.

Project manager, author, and speaker Peter Taylor is famous for the €œwork smarter, not harder” philosophy he advocates in The Lazy Project Manager.

Most Project Managers play the role of the postman. The forward email communication from stakeholders to the project team and after getting the responses from the team forward the emails back to stakeholders.

How to Be Twice as Productive and Still Leave the Office Early

The project management industry is changing fast. Traditional project management is essentially about trained project managers gaining control. This model is inferior to using collaboration tools that live in the cloud. Enabling people on the front line to make decisions and to take responsibility is much more effective, and engaging and also produces fewer errors. When your project team is using the correct tools, this allows project managers to stop worrying about controlling projects and start focusing on optimizing projects.

The Key to Successful Leadership Today Is Influence Not Authority ~ Kenneth Blanchard

The exciting thing about Cloud-based planning software is it allows organizations the ability to run multiple projects at the same time. Another benefit of Cloud-based software is that it provides a way for organizations to communicate with each other and for natural business experts to participate equally providing a place for orders of magnitude and more ideas to live and breed.

There was a time where the concept of Six Sigma a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects was all the rage. People would attempt to become a Six Sigma black belt. Presently with highly collaborative and transparent tools for managing projects and other work, you don’t necessarily need to take courses to prove that.

Real-time collaborative project management tools are increasing transparency, streamlining communication, empowering teams, and helping to drive results. This transparency helps get everyone’s interests around the delivery of the organization’s goals.

We’ve learned from formal project management that you need to have a plan. It’s good to express ideas upfront; it’s important to understand the requirements and that objective are clear and concise; it’s paramount to identify risks; it’s good to communicate. However, the most effective managers are the ones that take the good parts of traditional project management (communication, risk evaluation) and threw away the bad parts (single-point estimates, infrequent updates, and rigid control). Cloud-based planning software enables organizations the ability to capture and reflect the reality of projects so they can be managed with ease.

How many times do you find yourself sitting in meetings for the better part of your workday only to find you made very little progress on pending projects? Face-to-face meetings certainly have their value but what if your team is spread between towns, cities, and countries? How can you efficiently communicate and execute actions? Learning to harness the power of collaboration software for project management can open up a simpler, less costly way to manage your projects.

90% of Project Success Is about Execution, Not Planning

A Root Cause of Failure in Execution is Simply that it is not Taken Seriously Enough. Cloud-based technology means that organizations of varying sizes can create large-scale, living project environments that are continuously updated and always reflect the latest snapshot of what the team has (or hasn’t) accomplished.

Are you ready to call yourself a real IT Web Hosting Project Manager now? Tell us what you think in the comments.

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