John Smith
Hi! I need you for this job.
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Supply your brief
Be as detailed as possible so the seller can provide you with the quality service that you are expecting. Your payment is held secure until you confirm that the service is performed to your satisfaction.
Manage transaction
Collaborate with your chosen freelancer using tennerr®’s built-in conversation and transaction management system to exchange files and feedback. Your freelancer will strut their stuff and deliver the job within the agreed-upon time frame.
Approve service delivered
Once you are happy with the service performed, you can mark the transaction complete, and we’ll make sure that the freelancer gets paid. Help the community by leaving a feedback for the seller.
Let Your job Shine: Post It on tennerr®
Signing up is a breeze, and it’s absolutely free! Set up your job, spread your wings, and showcase your offerings to our global audience, eager to discover your unique talents.
Strut Your Stuff: Deliver Stellar Work
tennerr® makes customer communication a breeze, or rather, a walk in the coop. Stay in the loop with order details and notifications, because when our freelancers soar, the whole flock thrives.
Fill Your Nest: Get Paid Promptly
At tennerr®, timely payments rule the roost, letting you focus on delivering exceptional work. With payments processed and ready for withdrawal, we keep your finances as smooth as a fresh-laid egg.
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by John Smith
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