To what extent does search engine optimization (SEO) strategy play a role in website creation?

When and how a website owner decides to include SEO into the web building process tells me all I need to know about that site’s future potential. I have faith in the site’s performance if they are discussing keywords, mobile friendliness, and security before even sketching a wireframe. If a whole site comes into my lap with a letter asking, “Help me with my SEO,” then we’ve got a considerably higher mountain to climb. The SEO strategy dialogue has to start early and continue throughout the development process.

Ready, aim, fire

When it comes to writing content for a website, owners and project managers seldom think about SEO until the very end. I call this the “ready, fire, aim” strategy, and it’s about as successful as it sounds.

When the site construction process is quickly put together, it comes as no surprise that the SEO approach is less than complete.

It’s crucial that everyone realizes that SEO is not a get-rich-quick scam for their website. The demands of an all-encompassing SEO strategy might be overwhelming for project managers who don’t prepare accordingly.

Start firing off your SEO strategy. 

On the other hand, developers like me constantly consider search engine optimization. When we embark on a new project, we consider SEO from the get-go. We use the more efficient and successful “Ready, Aim, Fire” strategy.

With any luck, as a developer, you’ll be able to meet with your customer to discuss the website’s purpose, intended audience, and marketing approach. Individuals’ search behaviors vary based on their goals: are they researching a purchase, trying to learn more about a certain topic (such as your area), checking out user reviews, or something entirely else?

Things work out better for everyone when keywords and search engine-friendly design components are an afterthought to the site’s primary purpose.

What to do for search engine optimization in the design phase

If your customer or project manager doesn’t seem to understand the significance of an early-stage SEO strategy, attempt to convince them to think in reverse.

So they think SEO should be included from the start of the development process; wouldn’t it therefore be wise to have SEO-driven content sections in place to ensure that people are directed to the information you want them to see? And if that’s the case, shouldn’t SEO be integrated into wireframing so that the website design is calibrated to play its role in search? If you’re going to go that far back, why not bring up SEO from the start to ensure that your development and PM teams are on the same page?

In my opinion, the sooner you include SEO into your web development process, the better. However, it is important to see SEO as a continuing partner, no matter when you decide to use it. It’s a never-ending reiteration in which changing tactics and new findings continuously inform the following stage.

Even the most superficial website updates may negatively impact SEO. That’s why it’s crucial to have everything in sync from the get-go; otherwise, you risk wasting resources.

I really do mean “everywhere” when I say that.

When it comes to maintaining a website, SEO is an ongoing process. Owners of websites may decide to take issues into their own hands when they have acquired a foundational understanding of the subject. And what, exactly, can they do about it? When it comes to managing and monitoring WordPress sites’ SEO efforts, I often suggest the Yoast plugin.

In this example, the Yoast plugin performs the tasks normally handled by in-house SEO staff.

To improve a website’s organic search rankings, the plugin uses real-time analytics and page-by-page measurements to guide owners in making adjustments to the text, photos, and metadata.

Expert WordPress users can often train their customers (even the less tech-savvy ones) on how to use Yoast in about an hour. Even though I’m a developer by trade, I have no problem training customers and handing over SEO management responsibilities to them because of how well-suited the platform is for non-technical users. Customers begin to think more strategically about their websites when they realize how many factors influence their search engine rankings; everyone benefits as a result.

Your SEO strategy should be the same for every part of your website, from the smallest design details to the most surprising facts you’ll find through analytics.

That’s impossible unless search engine optimization is built into the foundation of a website right from the start. 

Do you wish to boost the SEO of your website?

Reach out to tennerr’s representative for help in building your website SEO. 


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