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5 Cock-a-doodle-doo Morning Rituals for Freelancers: A tennerr Perspective

Freelancing offers you the freedom to rule your own roost, taking charge of your time and tailoring your day to your liking. But beware, fellow freelancers, for this freedom can be a double-edged sword; it’s all too easy to lose yourself in work and neglect much-needed breaks.

Time off isn’t just about annual vacations or weekends – it’s about daily habits that help you disconnect from work and tune into your own needs. In this article, we’ll cluck about five morning rituals that can help you live a more balanced life as a freelancer, courtesy of tennerr.

  1. Gratitude Journal
  2. Morning Pages
  3. Goals Journal/Written Manifestation
  4. Breathwork/Breathing Exercises
  5. Meditation

So, fluff up your feathers and let’s dive in!

  1. Gratitude Journal

As ambitious freelancers, we often set high goals and work relentlessly to achieve them. However, in our pursuit of greatness, it’s easy to lose sight of what we already have and what we’ve accomplished. Focusing too much on what’s missing can lead to a downward spiral of dissatisfaction, ultimately affecting productivity.

Enter the gratitude journal! By regularly recording your blessings, you’ll start appreciating what you have. Over time, this practice can transform your mindset, enabling you to work on your goals with enthusiasm rather than dissatisfaction.

  1. Morning Pages

More journaling? You bet! Morning pages, a concept introduced in Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way,” can be a game-changer for freelancers. The idea is simple: upon waking, write down any thoughts that come to mind. Don’t worry about content or structure – just let the words flow. This exercise helps declutter your mind, setting the stage for a more focused day.

  1. Goals Journal / Written Manifestation

Our last journaling suggestion, we promise! With written manifestation, you can unleash your wildest dreams. Visualize a goal you’re working towards, then write it down as if it has already been achieved. This practice can ignite your motivation and inspire you to explore new avenues for success.

  1. Breathwork / Breathing Exercises

Time to move away from journaling and focus on our breath! Breathing exercises can be powerful tools to boost energy, reduce anxiety, and enhance productivity. With a plethora of guided breathwork sessions available on YouTube, you can find the perfect fit for your needs.

  1. Meditation

Last but not least, we have meditation! Starting your day with a calm, focused mind can set the tone for a productive day. Similar to breathing exercises, meditation can be done with or without guidance or music. Just find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

There you have it – five morning rituals for freelancers! Which ones are you already practicing, and which ones will you try? Remember, as a freelancer, it’s essential to create daily habits that keep you grounded and balanced. So, take a page from the tennerr book and make your mornings something to crow about!

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