How to Sell Website Templates, Scripts, and Plugins on tennerr Freelance Marketplace with Instant Download

If you’re a web developer, designer, or programmer, you know the importance of having a wide range of website templates, scripts, and plugins at your disposal. These tools not only save time, but they can also help you create professional-looking websites quickly and easily. But how do you sell these items on tennerr Freelance Marketplace? With the instant download feature, it’s easier than ever to monetize your digital assets and turn your expertise into profit.

What is Instant Download?

Instant download is a feature on tennerr Freelance Marketplace that allows you to sell digital products directly to buyers without having to manually send the files. Once a buyer purchases your product, they can instantly download the files and start using them right away once you confirm the order. This feature is perfect for selling website templates, scripts, and plugins, as it eliminates the need for you to manually send the files to each buyer.

How to Sell Website Templates, Scripts, and Plugins on tennerr Freelance Marketplace with Instant Download

Step 1: Create a Job

To sell website templates, scripts, and plugins on tennerr Freelance Marketplace with instant download, the first step is to create a job. You can do this by logging into your account and clicking on the “Post New or Edit Job” button. From there, you can select the category that best fits your product and create a job listing that includes all the relevant details, such as the description, pricing, and files that buyers will receive.

Step 2: Set Up Instant Download

To enable the instant download feature, you need to upload the files to tennerr’s servers. You can do this by clicking on the “Instant Download” tab in your job listing and uploading the files. Once the files are uploaded, you can set the number of downloads available for each purchase and set the expiration date for the downloads.

Step 3: Promote Your Job

Once your job is live on tennerr Freelance Marketplace, it’s time to start promoting it. You can do this by sharing the job listing on social media, reaching out to potential buyers in related groups or forums, and optimizing your job listing for search engines. The more exposure your job gets, the more likely you are to make sales.

Tips for Selling Website Templates, Scripts, and Plugins on tennerr Freelance Marketplace

  1. Create high-quality products that offer value to buyers.
  2. Price your products competitively and offer discounts or promotions to attract buyers.
  3. Make sure your job listing is clear and concise, highlighting the benefits of your product and providing all the necessary details.
  4. Respond to buyer inquiries promptly and provide excellent customer job to build a positive reputation.
  5. Continually update and improve your products to stay ahead of the competition and meet the changing needs of buyers.


Selling website templates, scripts, and plugins on tennerr Freelance Marketplace with instant download is a great way to monetize your digital assets and turn your expertise into profit. With the instant download feature, you can offer buyers a seamless and convenient way to access your products, while also streamlining your sales process. By following these tips and creating high-quality products, you can attract buyers and build a successful business on tennerr Freelance Marketplace.


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