39 Blogging Terms You Should Know

Ever hear somebody fling about terminology like RSS or .XML and you wrinkle your nose in confusion but nod your head because you don’t want to confess that you haven’t a clue? We hope that by providing an A-Z guide to the most significant terminology in blogging, we may help dispel some of the enigmas that surround them.

There are many other names for the same thing, and “Alternative text” is only one of them. Use this to describe an image in HTML as the next image alt text element, or in the field associated with an image in a content management system. If the picture doesn’t load completely, the alt tag provides useful information for both users and search engines. The alternative text for a picture on the web is a descriptive phrase or word.

Blogging’s A to Z

Anchor text is the text used to link an online resource to a specific section of text. Users viewing the website in a web browser can follow the link by clicking the associated text, which will take them to the destination URL. Example: Notice the anchor text in this sentence.

Article and “post” are often used interchangeably in the context of blogs.

Blogger’s name linked to the individual who penned the piece.

Avatar – There are many other names for the same thing, and “Alternative text” is only one of them. Use this to describe an image in HTML as the next image alt text element, or in the field associated with an image in a content management system. If the picture doesn’t load completely, the alt tag provides useful information for both users and search engines. The alternative text for a picture on the web is a descriptive phrase or word.

Blogger – A blogger is a person who writes for a blog, and blogging is the practice of contributing to a blog.

Please be aware that Google also offers a blogging platform known as Blogspot (or Blogger).

Blogosphere – When people talk about “the blogosphere,” they’re referring to the whole online community of blogs and bloggers.

Blog-roll – A blogger’s list of other blogs they follow or promote, often known as a blogroll (or blog-roll or blog roll). You should only add blogs that you truly like reading and recommend to others.

C-Category – Tags are often used interchangeably with Categories. Categories are often the broadest level of classification, with tags providing more detail. A blog on Apple pies, for instance, may be filed under “baking” and include the tag “pies” for specific pies.

CMS, often known as “content management system” or “platform,” refers to the software used to organize and distribute material. This piece of software facilitates the process of adding new material to a website. For instance, HubSpot’s content management system (CMS) allows you to easily update your site’s pages, landing pages, and blog.

Commentary posted by site visitors in reaction to an article you’ve written. As a communication tool, this will help you reach out to the people who will be reading your work. Generally speaking, it is best to not require clearance from administrators before a user can post and to just remove extremely offending remarks rather than moderate content. Take every criticism as a chance to show off your expertise and answer constructively.

Comments – Cascading Style Sheets, abbreviated to CSS or Stylesheet, is a popular method for defining and implementing visual presentation. This HTML-based format is widely utilized for web page layout. Presets in design elements like page layouts, colors, and fonts make it easy to maintain brand consistency and a polished feel across your website or blog.

Directory – A blog directory is a website that compiles listings of blogs, often arranged in a hierarchical structure based on the blog’s popularity and then further subdivided into categories. If you’re just getting started with your blog, it’s a good idea to submit it to relevant blog directories to increase your chances of attracting targeted visitors.

A favicon is a little icon that represents your website in the address bar, bookmarks, and favorites of a web browser. To use it in HTML, just add the rel=”shortcut icon” tag and then save or upload the file as favicon.ico. Here’s how the end result may look:

A news feed is a great way to keep your audience up to speed on breaking news and other relevant information. When content providers syndicate a feed, readers can sign up to receive it through a feed reader or email.

Header – This is the very first thing that readers will see when they visit your blog. Logos, taglines, and menu bars are all examples of header features that help establish your blog’s identity.

Hyperlink, sometimes shortened to “link,” refers to any item on a web page that, when clicked, transports the user to another location on the same page or to a different website altogether. The “anchor text” is the part of the text that the link actually is.

HTML – In order to create a website, you will need to learn Hypertext Markup Language or HTML for short. Most HTML components consist of a pair of tags—a start tag (html) and an end tag (end tag)—with content in between. It’s organized like a tree, with blog post HTML as a node.

Index(ed) – How search engines identify and make your material accessible to people (through storage and presentation in search results). Finding out if your material has been indexed is as easy as doing a search for a page; if your page is among the results, it has been indexed.

Search Terms / Phrases – These can help you come up with ideas. When creating content for a certain audience or buyer persona, it’s important to first identify the issues that are of most interest to that group of people. Use them creatively to demonstrate your expertise in a certain topic through structural composition, reasoning, and comprehension.

In the meta description, you should briefly explain what the page or post is about. The search results page is a wonderful location to showcase highly relevant material to your intended audience. Two to three phrases (no more than 150 characters) that include your target keywords and are written in such a way that a reader is compelled to go over to your site are ideal.

Meta keywords are the most widely used and well-known method of characterizing a website’s content. The search engines, however, rapidly learned that this information was usually incorrect or misleading and led users to fraudulent websites. In light of this, search engines no longer care about this tag.

Meta Tags is an umbrella term for meta titles, descriptions, and keywords. What we call “meta tags” refers to the combination of these three components. Tags are components used to describe a website, typically for the benefit of search engines.

Code Snippets – These are code snippets included inside the HTML of the page and are not readily apparent to the site visitor.

Title, also known as the meta title or page title, is the text that appears in the browser’s title bar at the top of the screen. When a page ranks in a search engine, the title appears in bold on the search engine results page.

Nofollow – A link property that stops search engines from following a link. Therefore, there is no intra-page link equity (SEO) transfer.
A “Permalink” refers to the unique web address of a blog entry.

Post is equivalent with article for the reasons already given. A “post” is essentially an essay written for a blog. In a blog, each entry is called a “post,” and a blog is really just a collection of these entries.

A user (or search engine) can be redirected to a new place by using a technique called “R Redirect,” which involves specifying an other URL. While there are other types of redirects, the most frequent is the 301 permanent redirect, which is used when a page’s URL has been changed. For the sake of facilitating access to the new location for anyone who may have bookmarked the old one or otherwise referenced the old URL.

Robots.txt – Commonly stored as robots.txt, robots meta tags provide information to search engines on how to properly index a specific website.

Really Simple Syndication, or RSS for short, is a format for distributing and aggregating regularly updated content, such as a blog. Subscribing makes it easy for readers to keep up with information and changes since it is produced on a regular basis.

A Sitemap is a publicly accessible directory or index that links visitors directly to the sites they need. This page serves as an introduction to the rest of your site, informing visitors of the most important sections and providing links to those sections. By doing so, both humans and search engines will have an easier time locating your material.

Sharing on social media is essential; your material shouldn’t be isolated. Allow others to promote your work on their own. On many systems, this feature is either standard fare or easily accessible as an add-on. In addition, websites like sharethis.com and addthis.com facilitate the distribution of material.

Subscribe – Users should be able to subscribe to your blog’s updates in a number of different ways. Email and RSS feeds are two that need to be included.

A tag, sometimes known as “tagging,” is a means of organizing blog posts that serves a similar purpose to categories. It’s a term or phrase that sums up the essence of the piece.

Helpful hint: use these as labels for file folders.

The H1 element is often used for the page’s title or subject.

Uniform Resource Locator, or U URL for short. Simply said, this is the location on the World Wide Web where a specific item of data, such as a page, picture, or document, may be accessed.

Widget or Module – Specially formatted, attention-grabbing sections of your website that can be located in the margins (left or hand side of a page). These sections may be readily moved about inside a content management system and typically feature links, calls to action, or other informational resources.

XML Sitemap – You may publish lists of links from all throughout your site by making use of a file called an XML Sitemap. Simple to make, and there are several free programs available to do so. Sitemaps can’t ensure that every link on a website will be crawled, and neither can having a website crawled ensure that it will be indexed. While there are other methods, a Sitemap remains your best bet for ensuring that search engines will index your complete site. Nothing to do with the James Cameron movie of the same name from 2009. A photo, graphic, or image that serves as your online “avatar” on blogs and other social networking sites is called a “avatar.” Some profiles and comment areas will show this, while it is not required and is not always utilized.


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