Mastodon Magic: Your Own Social Galaxy, Hosted and Managed
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Mastodon Magic: Your Own Social Galaxy, Hosted and Managed"

Package Names:

  1. Celestial Mastodon
  2. Cosmic Mastodon
  3. Stellar Mastodon


Embark on an extraordinary journey through the digital cosmos with our Mastodon hosting and management job. Choose the star-studded package that suits your needs, and watch your own private social universe come to life. Whether you're a community creator, a trendsetter, or an online aficionado, our Mastodon hosting will empower you to connect, share, and explore like never before.

Celestial Mastodon – Sparkling Stardust for Your Online Haven
🌌 Low Federation Capacity
🌀 2 Processing Threads
💾 2 GB Database
📁 20 GB Media Storage
👥 Up to 5 Active Users (estimated)

Cosmic Mastodon – Unveil New Dimensions of Interaction
🌠 Moderate Federation Capacity
🌀 4 Processing Threads
💾 5 GB Database
📁 50 GB Media Storage
👥 Up to 20 Active Users (estimated)

Stellar Mastodon – Illuminate the Digital Universe with Your Presence
💫 Medium Federation Capacity
🌀 8 Processing Threads
💾 10 GB Database
📁 100 GB Media Storage
👥 Up to 100 Active Users (estimated)

Job Highlights:
✨ Seamless Setup: Our expert team will flawlessly set up and configure your Mastodon instance, ensuring a smooth launch into the social cosmos.
🔒 Secure Hosting: Experience peace of mind with our secure and reliable hosting, complete with regular backups and updates.
🚀 High Performance: Enjoy lightning-fast speed and optimized performance, enabling seamless interactions for you and your community.
🎨 Custom Domain or Subdomain: Choose to use your existing domain or receive a free subdomain courtesy of tennerr.
📈 Scalability: As your constellation of followers expands, easily upgrade to a higher package for enhanced capacity and features.
🎉 Stellar Support: Our dedicated support team is at your job, ready to assist you on your galactic journey.

Embark on an adventure of boundless interactions, meaningful connections, and endless possibilities. Choose your star, cast your glow, and become the celestial force that shapes your very own Mastodon universe. The stars are aligned – are you ready to shine? 🌟

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Member Since

August 8, 2023


Name Celestial Mastodon Cosmic Mastodon Stellar Mastodon
12 Months Hosting
Low Federation Capacity

2 Processing Threads

2 GB Database

20 GB Media Storage

5 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

12 Months Hosting

Moderate Federation Capacity

4 Processing Threads

5 GB Database

50 GB Media Storage

20 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

12 Months Hosting

Medium Federation Capacity

8 Processing Threads

10 GB Database

100 GB Media Storage

100 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

Delivery time 3 days 3 days 3 days
Revisions 0 0 0
Price $250.00 $350.00 $550.00
Celestial Mastodon
12 Months Hosting
Low Federation Capacity

2 Processing Threads

2 GB Database

20 GB Media Storage

5 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

What's included?
  • Revisions: 0
  • Delivery time: 3 days
Cosmic Mastodon

12 Months Hosting

Moderate Federation Capacity

4 Processing Threads

5 GB Database

50 GB Media Storage

20 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

What's included?
  • Revisions: 0
  • Delivery time: 3 days
Stellar Mastodon

12 Months Hosting

Medium Federation Capacity

8 Processing Threads

10 GB Database

100 GB Media Storage

100 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

What's included?
  • Revisions: 0
  • Delivery time: 3 days

How do I choose the right package?

Choosing the right Mastodon hosting package depends on your specific needs and goals. Each package offers varying levels of capacity, processing power, storage, and user capacity. Here's a guide to help you make an informed decision: Celestial Mastodon: If you're just starting out or have a small community, this package is ideal. It offers basic features, suitable for up to 5 active users. Choose this package if you're looking to create a cozy space for close-knit interactions. Cosmic Mastodon: If you anticipate moderate growth and interaction, the Cosmic Mastodon package might be your best fit. With higher processing power, more storage, and capacity for up to 20 active users, this package is great for expanding your social galaxy. Stellar Mastodon: For those aiming to make a significant impact in the digital universe, the Stellar Mastodon package offers the highest capacity. With substantial processing power, ample storage, and the ability to accommodate up to 100 active users, this package is perfect for ambitious creators and bustling online communities. Consider these factors when choosing your package: Community Size: Estimate how many active users you expect to have. Ensure the package you choose can comfortably accommodate your community's size. Interactions: How interactive do you envision your Mastodon instance? Packages with higher processing power can handle more simultaneous interactions. Media Content: If your Mastodon instance will involve sharing a lot of media files, opt for a package with ample media storage. Growth Potential: Plan for the future. Choose a package that can scale with your community's growth to avoid frequent upgrades. Budget: Determine how much you're willing to invest. While Stellar Mastodon offers the most features, consider your budget constraints. Remember, you can start with a lower-tier package and upgrade as your community expands. Our support team is here to guide you through the selection process and ensure your chosen package aligns with your goals. Your journey to building your own social galaxy begins with the package that resonates most with your vision.

Can I customize the Mastodon instance?

Absolutely! With our Mastodon hosting service, you have the flexibility to customize and tailor your instance to reflect your unique brand and community. While the core features and functionality of Mastodon remain consistent across all instances, there are several ways you can customize your instance: Instance Name and Domain: Choose a distinct name and domain for your Mastodon instance that aligns with your brand or community. This is your virtual space's identity, so make it memorable and relevant. Themes and Appearance: Customize the appearance of your Mastodon instance by selecting themes, colors, and branding that resonate with your community. Create a visually appealing and cohesive environment that reflects your identity. Community Guidelines: Craft community guidelines and rules that set the tone for interactions on your instance. Establishing clear expectations fosters a positive and respectful environment. Moderation Settings: Tailor your moderation settings to maintain a safe and welcoming space. Set filters, mute or block keywords, and manage user permissions to ensure a comfortable experience for your community. Profile Fields: Add custom profile fields to gather specific information from users, such as interests, pronouns, or affiliations. This enhances user engagement and connection. Integration and Plugins: Integrate third-party applications and plugins to enhance functionality and offer unique features to your users. This can include integration with services like RSS feeds or analytics tools. Announcements and Updates: Keep your community informed by posting announcements, updates, and relevant content. Regular communication fosters engagement and a sense of belonging. Community Events: Organize and promote community events, discussions, or initiatives directly from your Mastodon instance. Encourage participation and interaction among your members. While our hosting packages come with preset configurations, our support team is here to assist you in implementing your desired customizations. Whether you're looking to create a vibrant and visually appealing space or establish specific rules and features, our goal is to help you shape your Mastodon instance into a dynamic and engaging hub for your community. Your instance, your rules, your creativity – the possibilities are endless!

Can I switch between packages later?

Absolutely! We understand that your needs and requirements may evolve over time, and we want to provide you with the flexibility to choose the best hosting package for your Mastodon instance. If you start with one package and find that you require more resources, or if you're looking to scale down to a different package, you can easily switch between our Mastodon hosting packages. Here's how the process works: Upgrade: If you find that your Mastodon instance is growing and you need more resources, you can upgrade to a higher-tier package. Simply contact our support team, and we'll guide you through the process. We'll ensure a smooth transition to the new package while minimizing any downtime for your instance. Downgrade: On the other hand, if you realize that your current package has more resources than you need, or if you want to adjust your hosting plan for any reason, you can also choose to downgrade to a lower-tier package. Our team will assist you in making this change seamlessly. Migration Assistance: When you decide to switch packages, our experienced support team will be there to assist you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance, answer your questions, and ensure that your Mastodon instance is smoothly transitioned to the new package without any disruption. It's important to note that any changes to your hosting package will be reflected in your billing cycle. For example, if you upgrade to a higher-tier package in the middle of your billing cycle, the new package's pricing will be prorated accordingly. We're committed to providing you with a hassle-free and adaptable hosting experience. Whether you're just starting out or experiencing growth, our flexible package switching ensures that you always have the right resources for your Mastodon instance. Feel free to reach out to our support team whenever you're ready to make a change – we're here to help you every step of the way!

How does Mastodon hosting work?

Mastodon hosting is designed to provide you with a seamless and hassle-free experience in setting up and managing your own Mastodon instance, a decentralized social media platform. Here's how it works: Choose Your Package: Browse through our Mastodon hosting packages – Mastodon Moon, Mastodon Planet, and Mastodon Star – each offering varying levels of resources and capacity to suit your needs. Select the package that aligns with your requirements and goals. Purchase and Setup: Once you've chosen a package, simply proceed with the purchase. During the setup process, you'll have the option to provide your own domain name or request a free subdomain courtesy of HostRooster. This subdomain will serve as the address for your Mastodon instance. Configuration: Our expert team will handle the technical aspects of setting up your Mastodon instance. We'll configure the server, install the necessary software, and optimize the environment for smooth performance. This includes setting up databases, storage, and processing threads. Customization: You can personalize your Mastodon instance to align with your brand or community. Customize the appearance, branding, and features to create a unique and engaging social media platform. Launch and Management: Once your Mastodon instance is set up and customized, it's ready for launch! You and your users can start engaging and interacting on your own social network. Our hosting includes essential maintenance, security updates, and backups to ensure the continued operation of your instance. Scalability and Support: As your instance grows, you have the option to upgrade to a higher-tier package to accommodate increased traffic and demand. Our support team is available to assist you with any technical issues, questions, or adjustments you may need along the way. Renewal: Our Mastodon hosting packages are designed for a 12-month period. At the end of the year, you'll have the option to renew your package to keep your Mastodon instance active for another year. We take care of the technical complexities so you can focus on building and nurturing your online community. Our Mastodon hosting provides you with the platform, resources, and support you need to create a thriving social network that fosters meaningful connections and interactions. Join the decentralized social media movement with Mastodon hosting today!

Tell me more about Mastodon features.

Mastodon is a robust and versatile decentralized social media platform that offers a wide range of features designed to enhance user engagement, privacy, and customization. Here are some key features of Mastodon: Decentralization: Unlike traditional social media platforms, Mastodon operates on a decentralized network of independently operated instances. Each instance is a separate community with its own rules and administration, while users can interact with members across different instances. Federation: Mastodon instances are interconnected through federation, allowing users to follow and interact with accounts on other instances. This federation promotes a diverse and global social experience. Customization: Instance administrators have the ability to customize the platform's appearance, branding, and features. This means you can create a unique and tailored experience for your community. Privacy Settings: Mastodon offers granular privacy settings, allowing users to control who can see their posts. Options include public posts, unlisted posts (visible to followers), and direct messages. Content Warnings: Users can add content warnings to their posts, giving followers the choice to view or skip potentially sensitive content. Timeline Filters: Mastodon allows users to apply filters to their timelines, enabling them to curate their feeds and focus on specific types of content. Followers and Following: Users can follow accounts from other instances, and the reverse is also true. This creates a dynamic and interconnected social experience. Direct Messaging: Mastodon features a built-in direct messaging system for private conversations between users. Emoji Reactions: Users can react to posts using a variety of emoji, fostering quick and expressive interactions. Lists: Mastodon allows users to create lists of accounts to organize and manage their feed. Accessibility: The platform places a strong emphasis on accessibility, making it user-friendly for individuals with disabilities. Open Source: Mastodon is open-source software, meaning its code is publicly available and can be modified by developers. This encourages innovation and customization. No Ads or Algorithmic Feeds: Mastodon doesn't have ads or algorithmic feeds that prioritize certain content over others. This helps create a more authentic and user-driven experience. Community Moderation: Instance administrators can moderate content and enforce community guidelines to maintain a safe and welcoming environment. Mobile Apps: There are various third-party mobile apps available for Mastodon, making it convenient to engage on the go. Data Portability: Users have the ability to export their data from Mastodon, ensuring data portability and ownership. Overall, Mastodon's features empower users and instance administrators to create a tailored and authentic social media experience that aligns with their values and preferences. Whether you're looking to create a niche community, connect with like-minded individuals, or simply explore a more decentralized and user-focused platform, Mastodon offers a unique and compelling alternative to traditional social media.

Tell me more about Mastodon's customization.

Mastodon offers a high degree of customization, allowing instance administrators to tailor the platform's appearance, features, and rules to create a unique and engaging community. Here's a closer look at the customization options available on Mastodon: Instance Branding: As an instance administrator, you have the ability to brand your Mastodon instance with a custom name, logo, and color scheme. This helps establish a distinct identity for your community. Custom Domain: You can choose a custom domain name for your instance, giving it a personalized web address that reflects your community's focus or theme. Custom CSS: Advanced users can modify the instance's Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to achieve a completely custom design. This allows for fine-tuning the visual elements, layout, and overall user experience. Instance Rules and Guidelines: You can define and enforce community guidelines, rules, and terms of use for your instance. This helps create a safe and respectful environment for your users. Local Timeline: Customize the content that appears on the local timeline of your instance. You can pin important announcements, highlight specific posts, or curate content that aligns with your community's interests. Content Policies: Set content policies for your instance, such as restricting certain types of media or content. This ensures that the content shared within your community adheres to your guidelines. Registration Settings: Decide whether to have open registration or require approval from administrators. You can also limit registrations to specific email domains if desired. Invite-Only: Opt for an invite-only system, where existing users can invite others to join your instance. This helps you control the growth of your community and maintain its character. Emoji Customization: Customize the emojis available on your instance. You can add unique emoji sets that resonate with your community's culture or theme. User Quotas: Set user quotas to limit the number of registered users on your instance. This is particularly useful for managing resource allocation and ensuring optimal performance. Blocked Instances: Choose which instances you want to block or silence on your instance. This can help you maintain a community aligned with your values. Instance Description: Provide a description of your instance that explains its purpose, focus, and guidelines. This helps potential users understand what your community is all about. Moderation Tools: Utilize built-in moderation tools to manage reported content and enforce your instance's rules. Custom Landing Page: Create a custom landing page for your instance that introduces visitors to your community and its unique offerings. Integration with Other Services: Integrate your Mastodon instance with other services, such as automated cross-posting to Twitter or other platforms. Mastodon's customization options empower you to create a social media space that stands out, reflects your community's identity, and provides a welcoming and engaging experience for your users. Whether you're aiming to build a niche interest group, a professional network, or a general community, Mastodon's customization features ensure that your instance can be tailored to meet your specific goals and vision.

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This job has no reviews.
3 days delivery
0 revisions
12 Months Hosting
Low Federation Capacity

2 Processing Threads

2 GB Database

20 GB Media Storage

5 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

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3 days delivery
0 revisions

12 Months Hosting

Moderate Federation Capacity

4 Processing Threads

5 GB Database

50 GB Media Storage

20 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

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3 days delivery
0 revisions

12 Months Hosting

Medium Federation Capacity

8 Processing Threads

10 GB Database

100 GB Media Storage

100 Active Users (estimated)

Free subdomain

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