I will be your wordpress website developer
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What people loved about this seller

Hello, I'm a professional full-stack web developer with 3+ years of experience. I have advanced knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap. Angular and PHP, which is a very good advantage in Wordpress websites. I have built more than 100 websites in my entire career and I fully capable of building any kind of websites in Wordpress.

What Websites I Offer :

  1. Blog 
  2. E- Commerce 
  3. Dropshipping 
  4. Job 
  5. News & Magazine 
  6. Portfolio 
  7. Social Media 
  8. Informational 
  9. Personal 
  10. Streaming 
  11. Business
  12. Educational 
  13. Landing Pages

Main Features :

  1. Fully Responsive
  2. SEO Friendly
  3. High Security
  4. Best Page Speed
  5. Free Stock Images
  6. Payment Gateways

Why Choose Me :

  1. Professional Developer
  2. Advanced Knowledge
  3. High Quality
  4. Super Fast Delivery
  5. Revisions Until You Are Satisfied
  6. Free Job After Delivery

I can guarantee your satisfaction!

I can provide advises for selecting domain name and hosting provider for your needs.

Please feel free to contact me before placing the order.

Thank you!

About the seller

Aadil Shaikh


Not rated yet



Last Seen


Member Since

June 23, 2023


Name Small website Standard website Premium website

1 Page Responsive Website

  1. Functioal website
  2. 1 page
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 1 plugin/extension
  6. Ecommrce functionality
  7. 1 product

5 Pages Responsive Website With SEO and Basic Speed Optimization


  1. Functioal website
  2. 5 pages
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 5 plugins/extensions
  6. E-commerce functionality
  7. 10 products

10 Page Responsive Complex Website with SEO, Speed and Security

  1. Functional website
  2. 10 pages
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 10 plugins/extensions
  6. E-commerce functionality
  7. 20 products
Delivery time 2 days 7 days 14 days
Revisions 1 3 Unlimited
Price $220.00 $400.00 $1,000.00
Small website

1 Page Responsive Website

  1. Functioal website
  2. 1 page
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 1 plugin/extension
  6. Ecommrce functionality
  7. 1 product
What's included?
  • Revisions: 1
  • Delivery time: 2 days
Standard website

5 Pages Responsive Website With SEO and Basic Speed Optimization


  1. Functioal website
  2. 5 pages
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 5 plugins/extensions
  6. E-commerce functionality
  7. 10 products

What's included?
  • Revisions: 3
  • Delivery time: 7 days
Premium website
10 Page Responsive Complex Website with SEO, Speed and Security

  1. Functional website
  2. 10 pages
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 10 plugins/extensions
  6. E-commerce functionality
  7. 20 products
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 14 days

What if I don't have any content (text + images) ready for my website or pages?

If you do not have content ready for your website pages or blog, no problem! I will add dummy text, images, and placeholders so that you can update your website's content easily in the future.

Can you start working if I don't have domain and hosting?

Yes, I can start building your website on my own hosting account and can transfer that later to your account, when you purchase your domain name and hosting..

Do I need to buy premium themes and plugins?

I have some premium themes and plugins but if they didn't fulfill your requirements, you'll have to by the necessary items.

Will my website be responsive?

Yes, Absolutely!

Can I edit the website in the future?

Yes, You can edit your website anytime.

What do you mean by a website with E-commerce functionality?

the website with E-commerce functionality I mean a website with an online store. Where you can sell your products or services.

Additional Details
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This job has no reviews.
2 days delivery
1 revision

1 Page Responsive Website

  1. Functioal website
  2. 1 page
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 1 plugin/extension
  6. Ecommrce functionality
  7. 1 product
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
Processing Fees
7 days delivery
3 revisions

5 Pages Responsive Website With SEO and Basic Speed Optimization


  1. Functioal website
  2. 5 pages
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 5 plugins/extensions
  6. E-commerce functionality
  7. 10 products

Compare Packages
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Processing Fees
14 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
10 Page Responsive Complex Website with SEO, Speed and Security

  1. Functional website
  2. 10 pages
  3. Responsive design
  4. Content upload
  5. 10 plugins/extensions
  6. E-commerce functionality
  7. 20 products
Compare Packages
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Processing Fees
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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