New Payment Features: Payoneer Withdrawals and Crypto Payments on the Horizon!

tennerr, the leading freelance marketplace, is thrilled to announce the forthcoming introduction of two groundbreaking payment features aimed at enhancing user convenience and embracing emerging financial technologies. In the coming weeks, freelancers will gain access to Payoneer, a globally trusted payment solution, for seamless fund withdrawals. Additionally, tennerr is actively working on integrating BitPay, a renowned cryptocurrency payment processor, to enable clients to pay for jobs using various cryptocurrencies. These exciting additions underline tennerr’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve and catering to the evolving needs of its freelancers and clients.

Payoneer: Effortless Withdrawals on the Horizon

tennerr understands the importance of providing streamlined payment options for freelancers worldwide. Soon, freelancers on the platform will be able to withdraw their earnings effortlessly through Payoneer. With its extensive network and low fees, Payoneer offers a secure and efficient solution for accessing hard-earned funds. Say goodbye to cumbersome withdrawal processes and hello to a simplified and speedy experience.

BitPay: Pioneering Crypto Payments

tennerr is actively collaborating with BitPay, a leading cryptocurrency payment processor, to enable the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method. Soon, clients will have the freedom to pay for jobs using popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. This forward-thinking move embraces the growing influence of cryptocurrencies, fostering seamless transactions while ensuring security and convenience for both freelancers and clients.

Security and Convenience: The Cornerstones of tennerr’s Payment Solutions

tennerr prioritizes the security and convenience of its users’ financial transactions. Rest assured, both Payoneer and BitPay adhere to strict security protocols, safeguarding sensitive information and delivering peace of mind. tennerr’s dedication to user security ensures that freelancers can focus on their work, while clients can confidently explore the diverse range of jobs available on the platform.

Embracing the Future: tennerr’s Vision

tennerr remains committed to innovation and adaptability, continuously striving to provide the best possible user experience. The forthcoming integration of Payoneer and the imminent introduction of BitPay for cryptocurrency payments exemplify tennerr’s dedication to meeting user preferences and embracing emerging financial technologies. As the freelance landscape continues to evolve, tennerr is poised to lead the way, empowering freelancers and clients to leverage the benefits of digital currencies and effortlessly navigate the future of global transactions.


tennerr’s soon-to-be-launched payment features, including Payoneer withdrawals and cryptocurrency payments through BitPay, represent an exciting chapter in the platform’s growth. With increased convenience in accessing earnings and the adoption of cryptocurrencies for seamless transactions, tennerr is primed to revolutionize the freelance marketplace. As these cutting-edge payment options become available in the coming weeks, freelancers and clients can look forward to a more efficient and flexible payment experience. tennerr remains dedicated to empowering its vibrant community, propelling the freelance industry forward, and staying at the forefront of emerging financial technologies.


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