Best Practices for selling live services on HostRooster

Best Practices for selling live jobs on tennerr

Selling live jobs on tennerr differs slightly from the traditional jobs on the platform. Live jobs, such as lessons, teaching and coaching sessions require a bit more setup and planning.

This includes everything from both parties agreeing on a time for the session, a strong internet connection, a good microphone and camera, and more. To ensure that you are setting yourself up for success and your sessions are as effective as possible we’ve compiled a list of tips and tools from some of the top sellers on tennerr.

  1. Please ensure you make scheduling easy
  2. One of the most important parts of a successful lesson is agreeing on a time that works for both parties. Being flexible and providing clear instructions on how a buyer can book time with you is crucial to converting sales and happy buyers.
  3. Below are some automated scheduling tools that we recommend using and including on your job instructions to make things as easy as possible for buyers.
  4. Calendly
  5. Acuity Scheduling
  6. Arrangr
  7. Once you’ve set up an account with your one of your preferred scheduling tools be sure to create job FAQs with a question something like “Schedule your session simply by using my link here: [include link]”. Example below. Then include the link in your job discription, job FAQ and job instructions to the buyer.
  1. As stated, be sure to clearly explain how scheduling works in your job description and in response to any inbox messages you receive.
  2. Have a proper setup and equipment
  3. Make sure you are equipped with a good environment to provide a great lesson. This means a quiet space to hold your lesson, strong WIFI, and quality audio and video equipment. Test that everything works before your first lesson to make sure you don’t run into any issues with your buyers.
  4. Provide an example video
  5. Allowing buyers to see your teaching or coaching in action will provide them with the confidence they need to purchase your job. Make sure the video and audio are of high quality.
  6. Listen and adjust
  7. Make sure you listen and clearly understand what your buyer is hoping to get out of your lesson. Be flexible and answer their questions to ensure that they finish their lesson feeling satisfied.

Lastly, make sure to have fun teaching, coaching, and passing on your knowledge to other members of the tennerr community!

How to set up your Calendly account:
  1. Go to and click the “Sign Up” button 
  2. Edit the active event and set up your availability according to your needs and constraints
  3. When done, click “back” to the main page
  4. Click on “copy link” next to your event

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