The importance of keywords for your website and how to get them

Knowing which keywords to use on your website is essential if you want to get traffic from search engines. In this piece, we’ll go through the process of discovering both the keywords you currently have and the ones you should be aiming for. (At the time of writing, the prices indicated below were valid.)

First things first…

The definition of website keywords.

Keywords are the words and phrases on your website that correspond to the questions visitors enter into search engines.

The process of optimizing a website such that it has the best chance of ranking well in search engine results relies heavily on the use of keywords.

For instance, Google’s search results for “Tenerife hotels” would include a number of results tailored to that specific term. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for a website to have hundreds of keywords it’s optimizing for.

However, how can you determine which keywords your website now has?

Finding the Right Keywords for Your Site

Google Search Console is a useful tool for learning about the search terms people are using to locate your website.

Search Console is a fantastic resource that is free and capable of providing a wealth of information about your site. The sooner you have it up and running on your website, the sooner it can begin collecting data.

To discover how to implement Search Console, follow this guide.

Discovering your keyword rankings is simple after you get it set up and have enough data in there (at least a full month’s worth).

Once you choose “Performance,” the “Queries” tab will be picked mechanically. Find out where your site stands concerning various search terms by visiting this page.

You can even check how many people have visited your site from that search keyword.

You can also see where in the search results your site currently sits for any given term.

During the first six months after launching a website, it is normal for there to be few or no keywords indexed; Google’s ranking algorithm is still in development. For example, Google may have trouble crawling your site if it’s rather old and doesn’t display any keywords. You may use this checklist to spot common SEO mistakes in such a scenario.

The tutorial also provides further information on how to utilize the Search Console to enhance SEO.

Use a premium job like SEMRush or Ahrefs to get a full view of your current website’s keywords and rankings.

As we will see, these resources are also helpful when selecting which keywords should be included in a website.

What are the best keywords to use for my online content?

You should now have a very decent notion of what, if any, website keywords you have.

But it doesn’t tell us anything about the keywords you should use on your site.

Understanding a) which keywords prospective clients are using to discover a company like yours and b) your chances of ranking high in search results for those keywords can help you choose which keywords you should be included on your website.

The answer to part a) of the question may be evident, while part b) may be more difficult to pin down.

Targeting “shoes” as a keyword for an e-commerce site selling shoes may seem like a no-brainer, but a quick glance at the search results reveals that huge online brand names dominate the page. That indicates your chances of ranking well in unpaid results (organic) are low.

So, it’s not worth focusing on “shoes” as a standalone keyword when optimizing a website.

Also, there are keywords you may rank for, but neither your target audience nor anybody else is searching for (zero search volume keywords).

Spending time and energy to rank well on Google for this kind of term is pointless since either no one will click through or those who click through will not be interested in becoming a client. To reach your target audience, you must first learn to speak their language.

We’ll investigate methods for finding relevant keywords at scale now.


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