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tennerr Shipping Policy

At tennerr, we are dedicated to offering a seamless experience to our customers. We understand that some jobs require physical delivery and we have therefore updated our shipping policy. As of March 30, 2023, we’ve implemented a new shipping policy to ensure continued job for these types of jobs. Below is our comprehensive Shipping Policy:

1. General Policy

Sellers who offer jobs that involve physical delivery, such as arts and crafts, collectibles, etc., are required to include an additional flat-rate shipping fee in their pricing. This fee should cover both local and international shipping as applicable.

2. Updating Your Jobs

Sellers are required to update their jobs to reflect this change. Failure to do so has resulted in the suspension of these jobs since March 30, 2023. To update your jobs, you need to add the shipping fee to the listed price. This will ensure that your jobs remain active and available to buyers.

3. Shipping Methods and Time

We recommend sellers to use reputable shipping jobs that provide tracking numbers. This ensures transparency and peace of mind for both the seller and the buyer. Please specify the expected shipping time in the job description to set the right expectations with your customers.

4. Shipping Responsibility

Sellers are responsible for ensuring that the items are properly packaged and shipped within the timeline indicated on their job. Any delays or damages during shipping are the responsibility of the seller.

5. International Shipping

If a seller chooses to offer international shipping, they must comply with all local and international shipping and customs regulations. Any customs fees, taxes, or duties imposed by the destination country are the responsibility of the buyer.

6. Returns and Refunds

Returns and refunds are subject to the individual seller’s policy. However, we encourage sellers to offer a fair and reasonable return and refund policy.

7. Disputes

In case of any disputes related to shipping, sellers and buyers are encouraged to resolve the matter amicably. If no resolution can be reached, tennerr’s Support Team will step in to mediate.

This policy aims to provide clarity and fair practices for our sellers and buyers. By using tennerr, you agree to comply with this shipping policy. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate accounts that do not adhere to these rules.

For further queries or assistance related to shipping, please contact our Support Team.


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