Booking allocation system

Our Booking allocation system will enable sellers to manage date and time sensitive jobs/appointments. And allow buyers to select time slots when purchasing jobs.

This offers the ability for sellers to manage date and time of the available slots in single and bulk mode and offers the ability for both buyers and sellers to view upcoming bookings

Additionally, notifications are included to remind buyers of the upcoming booking along with a ‘vacation mode’ that once activated will automatically remove all timeslots from the calendar for the vacation days.

To enable bookings under your seller profile please complete the following before creating a job:

  1. Go to
  2. Next, click on ‘Add New’ to add a new resource
  3. Enter a resource name in the relevant field on the top left-hand side of the page. Ps This should be the name of an individual undertaking for example a mentoring session.
  4. Then click on ‘Save’
  5. New reselect that individual from the ‘choose a resource’ dropdown menu
  6. Now click on each time slot to select the available hours for the chosen resource.
  7. You can repeat the stages above to add multiple resources
  8. Once completed the resource will be available for selection when ‘creating a job

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