Community Project Manager (Remote)

Tips: Improve your responsiveness

Maximizing your responsiveness is a key aspect of providing top-notch jobs on tennerr. Here are a few tips to ensure that you are consistently delivering prompt and professional responses to your clients.

  1. Track your key metrics: Keep an eye on your response rate, response time, and order response rate. These metrics will give you a clear picture of your responsiveness and areas for improvement.
  2. Check and respond regularly: Stay on top of your inbox and order page messages to ensure timely and effective communication with your clients.
  3. Use Quick Responses: Quick Responses can help streamline your communication and reduce response time. Utilize both suggested quick replies and custom quick responses to make the most of this feature.
  4. Stay connected on-the-go: Download the tennerr mobile app to receive immediate notifications and respond to messages anywhere, anytime.
  5. Time zone considerations: Respond to messages as soon as possible, regardless of time zone differences. Remember, you have 24 hours to reply to a message, giving you ample time to respond promptly.
  6. Avoid spam and solicitations: Messages of this nature don’t require your response and should be reported to Customer Support within 24 hours.

By following these tips, you can improve your responsiveness and deliver the quality Job that your clients expect.


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