Academic Services on HostRooster - The Ins and Outs

Academic Jobs on tennerr – The Ins and Outs

tennerr is a thriving platform that enables sellers to showcase their diverse range of skills and jobs to buyers. However, it’s imperative to understand that not all jobs are permitted on the platform. Academic work or homework falls under this category and it’s crucial for sellers to be aware of the regulations and guidelines that prohibit such jobs. This article serves as a guide to help you distinguish what constitutes as academic work and provides useful resources on how to handle any such requests from buyers.

The Ins

  • Always reach out to tennerr’s Customer Support if you receive any request for academic jobs.
  • Inform the buyer that offering such jobs on the platform is strictly prohibited.
  • Offer the buyer an alternative solution, such as online tutoring for a specific subject or proofreading jobs for completed work.

The Outs

  • Do not offer jobs related to academic work, including but not limited to: Homework Academic papers Bibliographies
  • Avoid providing jobs that aid in academic institution applications, including but not limited to: Completing college applications
  • Writing letters of recommendation It’s important to abide by these guidelines as offering academic jobs could result in disabling your tennerr account. So, let’s ensure that our Jobs align with the platform’s policies and principles.

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