tennerr trademark policy

The tennerr trademark, including the name and logo, is the property of tennerr Ltd, the company that runs tennerr.com and DomainRooster.net. The trademark has been registered under No. UK00003854900 effective as of the date 01/12/2022 and has been entered in the register on 24/02/2023.

tennerr Ltd takes the protection of its trademark seriously and will take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized use of the tennerr name and logo. Any use of the tennerr trademark, including any variation of the name or logo, without the express permission of tennerr Ltd is strictly prohibited.

This policy applies worldwide and is intended to protect the integrity of the tennerr brand. tennerr Ltd reserves the right to take legal action against any party that uses the tennerr trademark without permission or in a way that is deemed inappropriate or damaging to the tennerr brand.

We thank you for your cooperation in respecting the tennerr trademark and helping us maintain the integrity of our brand.


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