How Do I Send Large Files on tennerr®?

Large file transfers on tennerr® differ somewhat from email transfers. Use a file-sharing job like Google Drive, Dropbox, or WeTransfer if you want to share a big file. Be sure to carefully follow the directions provided by each of these jobs if you want to share files.

PRO HINT: It’s crucial to first confirm the file size restriction for the job you’re ordering on tennerr® before providing any substantial files. The system of tennerr® may not be able to send the file if it is too large. In order to reduce the file size, be sure to compress the file if at all possible.

You can send a message to the buyer with a link to the file once you’ve shared the file using one of these jobs. The customer can then download the file by clicking on the link.

If you have any issues with sending large files on tennerr® or need assistance sharing a file via one of these platforms, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer support staff.


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